radiant health magazine rebirth issue

On a Mission to empower and inspire Black women to live their healthiest, happiest, & most fulfilled life.

Radiant is a bi-annual print and digital health magazine for the Black woman.

Our mission is to tell our own health stories and inspire Black women to live their healthiest, happiest and most meaningful life.

Each issue of Radiant features content in health and wellness, fitness, healthy eating, beauty, style, body + mind, all wrapped up in one enticing title. 

Published twice a year as a coffee table book, Radiant is  available at U.S. Barnes & Noble stores and other global retailers (see our stockists list) as well as from the Radiant shop for worldwide delivery.

Digital editions are available on Issuu digital newsstand.

Partnerships & Collaborations

With an ever-growing intercultural influence, Black women play an increasingly vital part in how all women see themselves, their families and the rest of the world.

Brands that want to earn her patronage and loyalty need to connect with her desire to see herself and her community positively reflected in media and advertising. She is mindful of her money, yet appreciates luxury and is willing to spend on the products she thinks is worth it.

Let us help you connect to her.

black woman magazine

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