The Evolution of Awesomely Luvvie on Radiant Issue No.11
Since 2006, Luvvie Ajayi has faithfully blogged on the good, the bad,…
Since 2006, Luvvie Ajayi has faithfully blogged on the good, the bad, the excellences, and the oddities of pop culture. Over the past 12 years, her unabashedly honest, often fierce, and effortlessly humorous judgment has afforded her experiences above and beyond what she imagined when she was initially peer-pressured into the practice. We were able to sit down and talk with Luvvie in the midst of her busy schedule, which now includes much more than posts on computer screens. As times have changed, so has her scope, and that trajectory is on track to be, well … awesome.
Luvvie chats with us about walking boldly into the unknown as a blogger, owning her inner scribe, wokeness and leaving the world better than you found it and on moving forward with awesomeness. Read more …