Radiant Health Breast Cancer Resources

Know Your Lemons Know Your Lemons is arguably the most effective visual…

Know Your Lemons

Know Your Lemons is arguably the most effective visual health awareness campaigns of all time. Each lemon represents a breast affected by cancer – and clearly demonstrates that there are visual clues in addition to the lumps that women may or may not feel during self-exams.

Self Breast Exam

1| Cleveland Clinic’s written guide to breast self-exam

2| How to do a breast self-exam [VIDEO]

Breast Cancer Organizations

“Among African-American women who develop breast cancer, there is an estimated 20 to 40 percent chance of the breast cancer being triple-negative. “
Source: Triple Negative Breast Cancer Foundation


1| Know Your Girls: A campaign specifically for Black women breast cancer

2| Triple Negative Breast Cancer Foundation

3| National Consortium of Breast Centers: This page offers a comprehensive list of national breast cancer resources ranging from young women breast cancer to men’s breast cancer and financial assistance.

4| Living Beyond Breast Cancer

5| Breast Cancer Assistance Program

Radiant Health Breast Cancer Stories/Features


1| Breast Cancer Survivor VeRitta Smith on Self Care And Finding Purpose in the Midst of the Storm

2| Jelilat’s Story: Surviving Triple Negative Breast Cancer

3| Breast Cancer Survivor Betty Anyanwu-Akeredolu: Reducing Stigma, Lifting Spirits

4| Radiant Health Woman of Action: Ify Nwabukwu, Founder of African Women’s Cancer Awareness Association

Is there a resource you think we should include? Email us at hello (at) radianthealthmag (dot) com.