Get Rid of the Mommy Belly Easily
RH Weekly News Roundup – 11 August 2017 Get Rid of the…
RH Weekly News Roundup – 11 August 2017
Get Rid of the Mommy Belly Easily
There are some women that bounce back from pregnancy and childbirth without skipping a beat; most of us don’t. Indeed, you may appear pregnant for several months after delivery – even if you’re attempting to return your body to its healthy, pre-pregnancy figure. That’s because the abdominal muscles have separated by the pressure placed on them by your growing bundle of joy (and sleepless nights). As the muscles separate, the baby – and then your organs – spill into those cavities.
But, you don’t have to live with it forever. A few simple exercises (really simple exercises) can cause you to lose as much as five centimetres (two inches) from your waist in less than a month – while spending a mere 10 minutes a day doing so. For the most part, these exercises, known as the Dia Method, involve holding positions while focusing on breathing. Doesn’t sound bad, right? But you do need to remember that everything comes with possible consequences; if you’re at risk for a hernia, you must consult a doctor before beginning such a routine as you could do more harm than good.
More Lassa Fever? Yes, It’s True
As three patients tested positive for Lassa Fever in Lagos, the government urged the population not to panic. They have placed all known contacts under surveillance, and currently surviving patients undergoing treatment are responding well to it. The Lagos University Teaching Hospital (LUTH) has confirmed the deaths of two previous patients admitted in the last week.
The incubation period for Lassa is 21 days, at which point, those under surveillance will no longer need to report on the condition of their health or return for tests. However, LUTH officials have released four phone numbers to call should you suspect Lassa: 08058019466, 08058744780, 07035521015, or 08023299445. Remember that early diagnosis increases the chances of survival. Don’t take the risk if you or your family develop any symptoms.
Nigerian Doctors and Patients Abroad
While we’ve heard that President Buhari will resign if his health continues to affect his ability to lead the country while he’s on medical leave in the United Kingdom, Acting President Osinbajo met with a renowned Nigerian surgeon. You may remember that Oluyinka Olutoye, who is based in Houston, USA, performed a life-saving surgery on a foetus before returning the unborn baby to the womb. The act is a testament to the abilities of Nigerian medical professionals. But, the entire situation highlights a serious Nigerian challenge.
It’s not just patients that are leaving; it’s also the country’s medical talent. A recent survey shows that 80 percent of the country’s doctors are currently seeking employment abroad. The reasons are as varied as the doctors themselves, but it does show just how dire the situation in the country is – and can become. And, this is when Nigeria needs an additional 10,605 doctors annually to meet the current and growing need for health care. Ouch. It’s definitely time to rethink the country’s dedication to health care.
Gender Equality Improves Mental Health
A recent study shows that the more gender equality a country has, the better off its women will perform on tests – and other displays of cognitive functioning. Yep, the more rights a woman has, the better decisions she will make. According to the results of this research, women performed best in Sweden and lowest (compared to men) in Ghana.
But, it’s more than that, low levels of mental health are linked to low social status and gender inequality. While depression and anxiety are the most direct, linked mental health conditions, the organs of the body don’t operate independently; women suffering from these conditions increase their risk for physical ailments, both minor and life-threatening. It’s not as if we needed another reason to pass the Gender Equality Bill, but it’s absolutely worth noting that inequality isn’t just a matter of money or educational rights; it’s a matter of life and death.
Preventing 10,000 Malarial Deaths!
The health situation in Borno State is critical. There’s malnutrition, Polio, Cholera, Hepatitis, and much more. And, much of the state is operating with limited medical facilities or professionals. With so much to tackle, it’s almost easy to forget about the ever-present threat of Malaria. However, the World Health Organisation (WHO) estimates that 8500 people are infected with the disease weekly.
The WHO is calling for $2.5 million in order to address the Malaria situation in Borno State and believe that at least 10,000 deaths can be prevented through interventions undertaken with these funds. This is a short-term solution only, as anti-Malarial vaccinations only last so long (including the dose provided to children under the age of five), but it’s a critical step in reinvigorating the ability of Borno communities to rehabilitate themselves.