No Way You’re Going to the Gym? No Worries!

RH Weekly News Roundup – 24 August 2017 No Way You’re Going…

RH Weekly News Roundup – 24 August 2017

No Way You’re Going to the Gym? No Worries

You’ve got to love it when a fabulous singer, dancer, and fitness instructor are all rolled into one gorgeous woman. It’s even better when she understands that not everyone can afford an expensive gym membership, and instead creates free YouTube routines to bring fat-fighting workouts into their homes. And, that’s exactly what Keaira LaShae has done.

Now there is simply no excuse to work out; her aerobic dance routines are just the thing to get you moving every day of the week. And, if you’re looking for more inspiration, you may want to check out her Instagram page. She’s taken women from size 16 (US) to size 6 in a matter of months. While you may not need to lose the weight, aerobic movement is never a bad thing (unless your doctor warns you otherwise).


What Does Buhari’s Return Mean for Healthcare (and the Country)?

At long last, President Buhari has returned to Nigeria after 103 days in the UK where he was receiving medical treatment for an unspecified illness. He officially took the reins back from the Vice President, and the country was told he was ready to work.

And then it was released that he will work from a home office due to damage in the official office, ostensibly caused by rodents – that and there are “general repairs” to be done. That alone forces health questions, as surely someone would have looked in on office and undertaken necessary repairs in his absence. But, the bigger question is whether the President will respond to the call to improve health care facilities to the levels he experienced in the UK. After all, Nigerians lose $1 billion annually to medical tourism. Yikes!


Nigerian Startup Wants to Help You Make Better Food Choices

Though still in its pre-launch days, a new Healthcare Nigeria initiative, FoodFacts, seeks to improve the food choices made in the country through a better understanding of the products on offer. Initially seen as a way to filter out any products that feature allergens or other ingredients that aren’t desired, it will open the doors towards better packaging and transparency for even the smallest of producers.

Some information is already available, but there is still a lot of work to be done. And, it’s possible that you may be able to assist, especially if you already know which products contain certain allergens. FoodFacts is a collaborative project where any registered user can upload and share food information on barcoded products. Keen to develop our food information? Check the website to see how you can help.



And the Lassa Saga Continues

The World Health Organisation has noted that there’s a declining trend of Lassa Fever outbreaks in Nigeria. And, that’s reason to be hopeful; but, it doesn’t mean that the virus will suddenly disappear from the country. Indeed, the current outbreak is currently the worst Nigeria has seen since it was discovered in 1969.

At the moment, there are 718 reported cases and 68 deaths from the disease, and although it was contained in just a few States, it has expanded to new ones. That means you need to take precautions no matter where you are. Lassa is initially spread to humans through the excrement of the Mastomys rat, so you need to do everything you can to protect your food products and keep your environment rat-free. It should also go without saying that you should report to your nearest health centre if you develop any symptoms, including fever.


Free Fistula Surgery for All Nigerian Women

The Federal government, through the Ministry of Health, has released a new directive that all women required surgery for fistula will be able to do so at any teaching hospital in the country, nearly free of charge. The surgery itself, as well as all associated laboratory costs, will be waived, but that does not mean that the cost of recovery bed will be free.

Still, this directive, issued in conjunction with the Fistula Care Plus Project, is a big step in the right direction as it’s estimated that over 500,000 Nigerian women battle with this rupture of vaginal and bowel tissues. Training is being undertaken, and there is also an effort to increase the number of fistula desks from 16 to 36 across the country.


Health Minister Launches Official Doctor Stamp

Professor Isaac Adewole has officially launched a “doctor stamp” that will soon demonstrate whether the record has been made or reviewed by a verifiable, licensed medical practitioner in Nigeria. The stamp features the name of the doctor, length of license and additional details relevant to the medical community. And, at first glance, this seems like a brilliant way to ensure Nigerians avoid dealing with fake doctors.

However, the release and institution of such a stamp have sparked discussion over its use and purpose. For a start, will it prevent counterfeits? And, will it be seen as a money-maker for the NMA, as stamps will need to be purchased by individual doctors – and they do expire. Most importantly, there is concern over the documents that must bear the stamp; it’s only for official records which most people do not require – and this isn’t where the majority of fraud occurs. Time will tell, but hopefully, this is a step in the right direction for the medical profession in Nigeria.


Malaria Linked to Miscarriages and Premature Births

While most cases of Malaria that are diagnosed and treated early enough are non-fatal, that does not exclude other consequences of the disease. Pregnant women – and their unborn children – are particularly at risk as the disease can travel to the foetus and block its intake of oxygen and nutrients. This, in turn, causes serious complications including miscarriage and premature delivery. Additionally, low birth weight children often struggle to catch up physically and mentally during the formative years of their life.

According to the World Health Organisation, any expecting mother living in a malarial area should be treated as if she has the disease, whether or not it is present in her blood stream. Early antenatal care is crucial for Nigerian mothers as three doses of SP Sulphadoxine Pyrimethamine should be administered over the course of three months. (Currently, 37 percent of pregnant Nigerians only receive two doses.) If you are pregnant or hoping to fall pregnant soon, be sure to speak to your health care provider soon after pregnancy symptoms begin to ensure the best possible start for your child.