Can a Herbal Remedy Really Treat Alzheimer’s disease?

RH Weekly News Roundup – 23 June 2017 Patients Have Rights Too…

Alzheimer's disease

RH Weekly News Roundup – 23 June 2017

Patients Have Rights Too

Patient rights are a given in many countries; it would be unthinkable to accept whatever treatment a doctor offers without question. It would not be possible for a hospital to bully partners and relatives into donating blood before prenatal treatment or before suiting up for the delivery of a baby. Patients rights are well-recognised across the globe – and, finally, that may also be the case in Nigeria too.

The Consumer Protection Council (CPC) and the Nigerian Medical Association (NMA) are working together to compile a Patients’ Bill of Rights that would apply across every healthcare facility in the country and would apply to all patients. Of course, having such rights is just the beginning; exercising them is the important part of the process. With any luck, such a step would increase the confidence Nigerians have in their health care system and its providers.


30 Minutes to a Sexier You

We’re only half joking here. A new study shows that working out for 30 minutes can improve the way women view their bodies – even if a single sitting isn’t enough to radically change their body’s health, weight, or shape. Published in the journal, Psychology of Sport and Exercise, the research was undertaken at the University of British Columbia in Canada.

While a single study can’t easily be generalised, the study participants that exercised at medium to high-intensity rates for 30 minutes found their “self-image” improved. They reported their bodies to be both leaner and stronger than those in the control group. With such powerful short-term effects, we think a little workout might soon be part of every woman’s pre-date preparations. And, that’s before digging into the long-term positive effects of working out.



Nigeria Rolls out Free HIV Treatment

It’s estimated that there are 3.5 million Nigerians living with HIV/AIDS. This may not seem like a huge number when compared to the country’s population 182 million, but the concern doesn’t end with the number of currently infected persons. UNAIDS estimates that there are 1.8 million AIDS orphans in the country – and it’s not as if new infections have dropped to zero.

Containing the spread of HIV and improving the quality of life for those already infected has long been a goal of the World Health Organisation. And, now, it appears that Nigeria is ready to take up the cause as well.  Isaac Adewole, the Minister of Health, has announced new governmental measures. According to his recent announcement, anyone that tests positive for HIV will have access to free treatment. Of course, it’s only the first step; education and stronger prevention are needed to attain eradication.


Can a Herbal Remedy Really Treat Alzheimer’s disease?

The cattle stick shrub found throughout Central and West Africa may make life more comfortable for those living with Alzheimer’s disease across the globe. According to a new study, performed by researchers at the University of Nottingham in the UK, the plant (officially called Carpolobia lutea) is effective in the prevention of the breakdown of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that’s commonly affected in conditions such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases.

The research was published in the Pharmaceutical Biology journal demonstrates the positive effects of cattle stick extracts – and shows low to no negative side effects of its use. Of course, that doesn’t mean you should go around chewing on bits of the plants in your garden; there is still a significant amount of research to be done. But, it could put Nigeria at the heart of manufacturing if the country can step up its pharmaceuticals game.


How Many Diets Have You Tried?

A shocking new poll in the UK suggests that women will attempt 130 diets in their lifetime. According to the figures, the average women will attempt a new diet twice a year, and each attempt will last about a month. Fat-free and vegetarian diets are the most popular. Although these figures are likely to relate mainly to women in the West, it does demonstrate the relationship we all have with food.

And, it shows that women are constantly seeking to redefine their bodies and understand the role food plays in overall health. But, we have to say, it’s a little sad that there is so much emphasis on diets as opposed to healthy, nutritious food choices. If women adopted one healthy change in their diets every six months and focused solely on that rather than a complete overhaul, it may be possible to eliminate the constant need to diet. We’ve got some tips to get you going.


More Vaccinations for Nigeria

It’s hardly a secret that Nigeria constantly battles a host of diseases, from malaria to lassa, and measles to meningitis. It’s a continual battle to bring outbreaks under control while maintaining resources for future struggles. Perhaps one of the saddest stories to surface in the last year was the discovery of new polio cases when the country was so close to being declared polio-free. While it might be attributed to medical inaccessibility in parts of the country, it’s no reason to give up. Fortunately, Nigeria doesn’t need to; a €10 million grant is on its way from Germany to continue the polio vaccination work done to date.

And, polio isn’t the only vaccination on the table at national and international level. The Federal Government is currently considering the best way to find the $11 million needed to boost measles vaccinations in the country. It’s regarded as urgent, though it will require a supplementary budget from the executive branch.