Nigerian Comedienne Rape Joke Gone Too Far

RH Weekly News Roundup – 31 March 2017  Rape Is a Crime,…

RH Weekly News Roundup – 31 March 2017 

Rape Is a Crime, Not Fodder for Comedians

You may have heard that a Nigeria comedian recently claimed that women being raped should accept it and try to enjoy the assault while it was happening. And, that comedian was a female – Etinosa. Across social media, there have been many that support her view. It is one of the most disgusting and disheartening statements ever made; rape is a crime whenever it occurs, and it is a violation – not something to make jokes about.

Not only is violence against women on the rise in Nigeria, but so is rape. Of course, true statistics are difficult to come by as few of the crimes are actually reported. It happens in homes, on college campuses, and in public spaces – and it must be stopped, not downplayed. Take action now! Learn more about advocacy or volunteer with the Mirabel Centre 



Meningitis Is Serious; Treat It That Way 

Back in 2009, over 2000 Nigerians died after contracting Meningitis, which is an acute inflammation of the brain and spinal cord. Today, the country is facing the worst outbreak since then with over 1800 suspected cases reported. According to the Nigerian Centre for Disease Control, 269 deaths have been tallied across 15 states.

Meningitis is preventable through vaccination, though it appears the latest outbreak may be a new strain that requires a new vaccine. Recent infections are largely attributable to a combination of weather systems exacerbated by overpopulation and traditional beliefs. If you experience symptoms such as fever, light sensitivity, headaches, vomiting, confusion, or a stiff neck, please report to a health care centre urgently.


Nigerian-American Changes the Way We See Nutrition 

Tambra Raye Stevenson was simply not comfortable with the rise in diet-related non-communicable diseases across African communities and descendants. Finding it unacceptable that it was too easy to turn one’s back on nutrition and dietary education, she created WANDA, which stands for Women Advancing Nutrition, Dietetics, and Agriculture.

More than that, she’s created a children’s story character – Wanda – to ensure that information about the importance of a healthy diet reaches even the youngest children in a way they understand. Whether you’re in the US or Africa, you can get involved with WANDA’s work feeding and educating children. Consider partnering with this exceptional cause – or just take a moment to retweet powerful messages.


Could Nigeria Achieve SDG 6 by 2030? 

The sixth Sustainable Development Goal, to ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all, is set for review at a high-level political forum next year. Twelve years later, Nigeria and the world will be judged on the steps taken to meet this goal set out by the United Nations. Given the scarcity of clean water in Nigeria, it may seem like an impossibility.

But, according to an international NGO, WaterAid, Nigeria stands a reasonable chance of achieving its targets. Michael Ojo, Nigeria’s Country Director for the organisation, has found that “69 per cent of Nigerians had access to improved sources of water.” That leaves 60 million Nigerians without access to adequate water. Want to make a difference? Learn more about advocacy undertaken by WaterAid.


Women with Disabilities Campaign for Equal Rights

While Senator John Enoh took time to state that “there is ability in disability” when addressing a caucus of women with disability, the Federal Government is still debating the merits of the Nigeria Disability Right Bill. This bill seeks to ensure protections against discrimination based on disability status.

In Africa, it’s common for people with disabilities to find themselves marginalised from their communities. And, in Nigeria, women with disabilities face extreme challenges. There are, however, those that are working to ensure that Nigeria’s disabled women have a chance to succeed. If you’re keen to help, why not reach out to the Cedar Seed Foundation?


Oil Spills Devastate More than Ecology 

No, we’re not talking about new oil spills; new information regarding the 2008 and 2009 Shell oil spills in Bodo has come to light. Shell accepted responsibility for the spill, paying $83.5 million to 15,600 affected fishermen and farmers, but the health effects of these accidents have largely been covered up or ignored by the international company.

A recent letter by, Kay Holzmann, a Geologist working on the case claims that, “children bathing in creeks are in danger of harm from toxic substances, as are people who drink from hand-dug wells.” Mr. Holzmann also encourages urgent “medical mass screening”. While it’s impossible to go back in time to prevent this disaster, responses to the most recent outcry may just determine how health care concerns are handled in the future.