Search Results for: walk the weight off

  • Black Women Share Their Experiences with High Blood Pressure

    [fl]H[/fl]igh blood pressure (HBP) is often called a silent killer because it rarely begins as a painful condition that draws attention to itself. “You can live for years and sometimes decades and not have a major event that would bring you to the hospital, even though you’re having uncontro...

  • Why You May Be Sedentary Even if You Exercise an Hour a Day and How to Change It

    This is an excerpted piece from a feature first published in Radiant No. 09, The Psyche Issue. [fl]O[/fl]ur modern lives are, for many of us, predominantly spent sitting down. Labour-saving devices mean that very little physical exertion is required to get us through the day, and automated trans...

  • Pole Dancing Makeda Smith

    Flying Over 50: How Pole Dancing Helped 58-year Old Makeda Smith Reclaim Her Life

    [fl]M[/fl]ost of us view our fifties as the maintenance stage of our lives: our finances will be in check, our relationships on point, and we’ll finally get to rest on the hard work of previous decades. But what happens when the rug is pulled out from under you late in life? When is it too late ...

  • are you exercising enough

    Not Getting Enough Exercise? You’re Not Alone

    RH Weekly News Roundup - 7 September 2018 Are You Exercising Enough? [fl]N[/fl]ot getting enough exercise? You’re hardly alone. According to a study by the World Health Organisation (WHO) which was recently published by The Lancet, over a quarter of adults fail to achieve recommended minim...

  • Fitness Goals

    How To Achieve Your Fitness Goals Even If The Year Is Almost Over

    Towards the end of the year, we naturally want to take stock of how well we did with the goals we set at the beginning of the year. Did your New Year’s resolutions include any fitness goals? How's that  progressing? Have you lost weight? Improved your fitness? Toned up? Maintained a healthy d...

  • Exercise in polluted cities

    Should You Exercise in Polluted Cities?

    Radiant Health Weekly Website News – 27 July 2018 Should You Exercise in Polluted Cities? [fl]T[/fl]he connection between a sedentary lifestyle and poor cardiovascular health is well-established and is easy to grasp. Perhaps less known is that pollution can also increase the risk of cardiova...

  • Take a Break

    It’s Time to Take a Break

    RH Weekly News Roundup – 6 July 2018 It’s Time to Take a Break [fl]H[/fl]ow often do you work through your lunch hour, nibbling something at your desk? Do you frequently put in overtime to try to get ahead in the company – or just financially? You could be putting your body at risk if yo...

  • Ebola Strikes Again! 17 Deaths Confirmed

    RH Weekly News Roundup – 11 May 2018 Ebola Strikes Again [fl]I[/fl]n West Africa Ebola isn’t something that just goes away, even when an outbreak is declared over and the last international doctor leaves. The virus causing acute hemorrhagic fever has been cropping up more frequently over ...

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