Search Results for: walk the weight off

  • Definitely in the Running: 9 Nigerian Ladies Passionate About Their Sprinting Stride

    We’ve all seen them—those women up at the crack of dawn in their sleek athletic gear effortlessly pounding the pavement at a steady pace while the rest of us struggle just to get out of bed. They seem as if they were born to run, as if they’ve been doing so all of their young, wrinkle-free liv...

  • Ready, Set, Run: A Beginner Runner’s Guide

    A beginner’s guide to running [fl]R[/fl]unning is a great way to get fit, lose weight and improve your health. However, even though running is a relatively uncomplicated activity, if you have never really run much before, it’s all too easy to make mistakes and turn what should be a simple an...

  • The Things I Didn’t Know About Breastfeeding

    [fl]T[/fl]he first night at home with Riley was rough. He’d gotten circumcised not long before we got discharged so we weren’t surprised when he was fussy at night. The rocking chair we bought hadn’t arrived yet, so we set up an old chair in the room while I held and tried to soothe him and ...

  • Month 9: The Final Stretch to Having My First Baby

    I can’t believe we’re here already. It feels like it’s taken forever to get to this point, and now time seems to be crawling all the way to the finish line. Since life will probably move at a faster pace once the lil’ one gets here, it feels like a good time to reflect on the lessons that I...

  • Big Fat Positive

    Period Three Or A Big Fat Positive (BFP)?

    Welcome back to my journey through the uncharted territory of my first pregnancy! In last week’s post, “The Start of the Shortest Ride,” I shared some great information that I learned at my pre-conception doctor visit. In today’s post, I look at some eye-opening revelations I had during my t...

  • Baby Story

    A Baby Story: The Start Of The Shortest Ride

    Welcome back to one woman’s brand new journey on life’s oldest road: pregnancy! In my first post, “Getting Ready for Baby,” I talked about the various steps my husband and I needed to take before starting on the path to parenthood. In today’s article, I’ll share some great information I ...

  • Getting Ready for Baby

    Getting Ready For Baby

    The process of having a baby is as old as time itself. Man meets woman, they have sex, and voilà – a baby is made. It sounds simple enough, but when my husband and I decided it was time to start a family after four years of marriage, it wasn’t quite as easy as that. Before we got down to the bu...

  • Nutrition And Lifestyle Tips For A Healthy Pregnancy

    Savvy nutrition and lifestyle choices will help your body cope with the swings and roundabouts of pregnancy, as well as ensuring that your baby has the very best start in life – and yes, this begins in the womb! Eat! We are strictly warned about what not to eat during pregnancy (cold cuts of...

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