DAY 22
“Nonsense wakes up the brain cells. And it helps develop a sense of humor, which is awfully important in this day and age. Humor has a tremendous place in this sordid world. It’s more than just a matter of laughing. If you can see things out of whack, then you can see how things can be in whack.” ― Theodor Seuss Geisel
How hard was it to log off social media yesterday? We are often in denial about how much time we spend on social media and how divided our attention has become these days. It seems we’re never fully present for anything, always multi-tasking with one eye on the computer/phone/tablet. Any wonder we feel increasingly stressed?
We’re now shifting our wellness challenge focus to mental or mind-body wellness. There is mounting scientific evidence pointing to the critical role of mental wellness or state of mind in our overall health. Specifically, we need to reduce stress, relax more and rest our body.
Okay, we still have work to be done so grab your lemon/lime water and let’s get right down to business.
Day 22 Wellness Action: Turn Off Electronics
While stress might seem more like an ailment of the mind, it can affect your body too. As you found out earlier in the challenge, stress is a risk factor for hypertension and it can affect your health in other ways. For instance when you have sustained periods of stress in your life, your body preferentially deposits fat around your tummy due to the presence of cortisol – the stress hormone.
Your task for today is to use this specific stress-busting technique — GET SILLY!!! Take a goofy photo, tickle your partner or children silly, play a fun prank on a friend who you think takes life too seriously … The possibilities are endless.
Whatever you choose to do today, make it something that will make you laugh and put a smile on your face when you think back to it. If you want to tickle us too, post your silly stress-buster on our Facebook group!
Day 22 Workout: Five of the Best
Today’s five exercise leg circuit is designed to make you sweat and burn calories as well as tone and strengthen your legs.
See how many laps of the following exercises you can do in 10 minutes!
1. Curtsy squats
Beginner: 10 each leg
Intermediate: 15 each leg
Advanced: 20 each leg
2. Step downs
Beginner: 10 each leg
Intermediate: 15 each leg
Advanced: 20 each leg
3. Single leg hip lift
Beginner: 10 each leg
Intermediate: 15 each leg
Advanced: 20 each leg
4. Star jumps
Beginner: 15 reps
Intermediate: 20 reps
Advanced: 25 reps
5. Plié squat
Beginner: 15 reps
Intermediate: 20 reps
Advanced: 25 reps
Click here for full written exercise instructions. Once you have warmed up, follow the exercise demonstration in the video below to get started on today’s fitness challenge.
What silly, fun thing will you do today? Hop on over to Facebook and share your ideas.