DAY 24
“Water is the only drink for a wise man” ― Henry David Thoreau
The countdown is on and we’re cranking it up a notch with just 7 more days to go. Make these last 7 days count! It’s never too late to re-commit.
Okay grab your lemon/lime water and let’s get down to business.
Day 24 Wellness Action: Make Your Skin Glow
Your skin is the largest organ in your body and it plays a huge role in elimination of waste and detoxification. This means that creating a home beauty regimen is about so much more than looking good, it can help you feel good and maintain great health for a long time. A great home beauty regimen can be as simple as making sure you wash your face twice a day or body brushing.
Washing your face is very important because it is one of the more exposed parts of your body and it has four potential entryways for germs. Cleaning the areas around your ears, eyes, nose, and mouth can help you wash away any potentially harmful germs. Body brushing can also help you help your skin do its job better.
Brushing your skin first thing in the morning before you shower is a great way to start the day. Brushing helps get rid of the dead skin cells that you shed daily while improving circulation to your skin to give you a youthful glow.
Today’s Radiant Read
Day 24 Workout: Out and Back Run
This workout targets all of those problem areas including your thighs, butt and the backs of your arms as well as your abs. Using only three exercises, press-ups, plié squats and crunches, if you are looking for a total body tone up in ten-minutes flat, this workout is for YOU!
You have 2 options for today’s exercise. Choose one.
OPTION 1 15 push ups
30 ab crunches
30 plié squats
Rest 60 seconds
OPTION 2 (involves brain exercise too!)
1) Do as many press-ups as you can and then note the number
Rest 45 seconds
2) Do double this number of plié squats so if you did 12 push-ups now do 24 squats
Rest 45 seconds
3) Add the number of press-ups and squats together and do that many crunches e.g. 12 plus 24 = 36
Rest 45 seconds
4) Do another set of push-ups – do as many as you can again but expect it to be less
Rest 45 seconds
5) Do double this number of plié squats
Rest 45 seconds
6) Add the number of press-ups and squats together and do that many crunches
Rest 45 seconds
7) Do a final set of push-ups – do as many as you can
Rest 45 seconds
8) Do double this number of plié squats
Rest 45 seconds
9)Add the number of press-ups and squats together and do that many crunches – last set so dig in and go for it!
Click here for full written exercise instructions. Once you have warmed up, follow the exercise demonstration in the video below to get started on today’s fitness challenge.
Pat yourself on the back for the great job you’ve been doing the last 3 weeks!
Have a wonderful day! See you on Facebook.