DAY 28

“Sometimes, you have to look back in order to understand the things that lie ahead.” ― Yvonne Woon, Dead Beautiful


Today we’re taking a trip down memory lane (well not that far back but still) … First, grab your lemon/lime water and let’s get started!

Day 28 Wellness Action: Look Back to Move Forward

Taking stock can be an important part of making lasting change. It’s a good way to review what worked and what didn’t work so you can focus on those actions that you enjoyed and benefitted from the most.

Taking stock doesn’t have to be so difficult. It can be as simple as going through the actions you took in the past 27 days to determine those that:

  • You liked the best
  • You liked the least
  • You believed made the most difference in your health
  • You would like to continue for the long term

Make a plan that includes all the actions you will like to continue with. Plan to incorporate them in the next 30 days after this challenge ends. You can choose to do them everyday or space them as you see fit. !

Day 28 Workout: Tabata Time

Tabata intervals involve doing 20 seconds of work alternated with 10 seconds of recovery. This short but effective workout will burn fat and improve your fitness. For today’s Tabata workout, you are going to do three separate Tabatas.

Click here for full written exercise instructions. Once you have warmed up, follow the exercise demonstration in the video below to get started on today’s fitness challenge.

******* NOTE: Today’s video below is from Day 16; use it for mountain climber demonstration. The rest of the exercise descriptions are in the written instruction *******


Tabata 1 – Mountain climbers
Work 20 seconds, rest 10 seconds, repeat eight times
Rest 60 seconds

Tabata 2 – Side planks (alternating sides)
Work 20 seconds, rest 10 seconds, repeat eight times

Tabata 3 – Squat and thrust
Work 20 seconds, rest 10 seconds, repeat eight times

You are DONE!

Have an awesome day! Join us on Facebook and let’s reminisce together about how far we’ve come together.