Tag Archives: radiant news digest
Nigerian Women Taking to Martial Arts for Self-Defence
RH Weekly News Roundup – 5 January 2018 Nigerian Women Taking to Martial Arts for Self-Defence [fl]I[/fl]I Nigeria, sexual abuse and harassment are rife and there are no current statistics as many women remain quiet for fear of being shamed. A 2013 opinion poll showed that 30 percent of Nige...
Should You Stop Spending on Calcium Supplements?
RH Weekly News Roundup – 29 December 2017 Should You Stop Spending on Calcium Supplements? [fl]W[/fl]omen are more prone to developing osteoporosis than men, and we’ve long been advised to get plenty of calcium and vitamin D in our diets to strengthen bones and reduce the risk of fractures...
The Frightening Link between Discrimination and Pregnancy Complications
RH Weekly News Roundup – 22 December 2017 The Frightening Link between Discrimination and Pregnancy Complications  [fl]F[/fl]For decades, researchers in the United States have been attempting to figure out why black women in the country have double the infant mortality rate as white women â...
An Evening Walk Is Better for You Than You Think
RH Weekly News Roundup – 10 November 2017 An Evening Walk Is Better for You Than You Think [fl]G[/fl]etting out from behind your desk or off the couch is always good – and we’ve always known it to be beneficial. But, researchers had no idea just how powerful moderate-to-vigorous physical...
Would a Little Cash Make You a Little Healthier?
RH Weekly News Roundup – 27 October 2017 Would a Little Cash Make You a Little Healthier? [fl]T[/fl]wo recent studies show that providing cash incentives may lead to healthier young adults – as long as the correlation is concrete. In the United States, a study showed that by providing teen...
Do Women’s Menstrual Cycles Really Match Up?
RH Weekly News Roundup – 20 October 2017 Do Women’s Menstrual Cycles Really Match Up? [fl]Y[/fl]ou’ve probably heard that women who spend a lot of time together find themselves experiencing the same menstrual cycles. It sounds plausible – and there are plenty of women that personally c...
Even African Children Are Obese
RH Weekly News Roundup – 13 October 2017 Even African Children Are Obese [fl]R[/fl]esearch published in the academic journal, The Lancet shows that the rate of obesity for children between ages five and 19 has grown ten-fold between 1975 and 2016. And, it’s not just in the West. Africa may...
Eat Breakfast and Improve Your Heart Health
RH Weekly News Roundup – 6 October 2017 Eat Breakfast and Improve Your Heart Health [fl]O[/fl]nce again, breakfast shines as the most important meal of the day. A new study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology shows that skipping or skimping on breakfast negatively ...