Tag Archives: radiant news digest
New Study Shows Why So Many Women Continue to Put on Weight After Giving Birth
Nigerian Prostitution Crackdowns [fl]W[/fl]e all know prostitution exists; it’s known as the oldest profession on earth. And, we all know there are multiple factors behind its continuation, but poverty and money are strong compelling forces behind both voluntary prostitution and sex slavery. An...
Ready For The Anti-Diet Diet?
RH Weekly News Roundup – 24 February 2017 Okay, WHEN Will the President Return? [fl]P[/fl]resident Buhari has been in London for over a month now – and it’s definitely becoming too much for many Nigerians. Ostensibly, he’s there for some sort of medical treatment, but the public does...
Does Eating During Labour Hasten or Hurt Delivery?
RH Weekly News Roundup – 10 February 2017 Halving Maternal and Infant Mortalities [fl]N[/fl]igeria is one of nine countries committed to halving the number of maternal and infant deaths by 2022. As part of the Network for Improving Quality of Care for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health –...
Drones Deliver Life-Saving Blood in Rwanda and Tanzania
RH Weekly News Roundup – 10 February 2017 Drones Deliver Life-Saving Blood in Rwanda and Tanzania [fl]O[/fl]ne of the principal causes of maternal deaths is the loss of blood shortly before, during, or after childbirth. Given the high mortality rate of infants or their mothers in Nigeria, it...
Can A Business School Competition Save Nigerian Newborns?
RH Weekly News Roundup – 3 February 2017 Report on HIV Brothels Sparks Condom Discussion [fl]P[/fl]hotographer, Ton Koeneon, released undeniably revealing images shot in the Badia area of Lagos. Photos were meant to illustrate the conditions of sex workers in the city and the lives of wome...
How Many Nigerians Are Living with HIV?
RH Weekly News Roundup – 27 January 2017 Marches for Women’s Rights and Equality [fl]J[/fl]ust in case you slept through the last week, the new American President, Donald Trump, was inaugurated into office. The following day, millions of women took to the streets to protest his positions o...
Don’t Worry! Vegan Diets Are Safe
RH Weekly News Roundup –9 December 2016 Osun Leaders Take a Stance against FGM [fl]F[/fl]emale Genital Mutilation (FGM) is technically illegal in Nigeria, but that’s not enough to prevent it from happening throughout the country. The practice offers no physical or emotional benefits and of...
The Exercises You Want to Do in 2017
RH Weekly News Roundup – 6 January 2017 The Exercises You Want to Do in 2017 [fl]M[/fl]any women ignore the weight section at the gym. Often it’s filled with men that seem to have a club you haven’t been invited to attend. But, many women just haven’t been taught how to lift weights ...